The Yiddish Cabaret, held on May 23, 2019, was the first event sponsored by CHJ’s Saul Haffner Jewish Enrichment Fund. Featuring Ukranian-born vocalist Zhenya Lopatnik, backed up by Israel-born guitarist Oren Neimaner and Argentina-born clarinetist Ivan Barenboim, the event drew a crowd of some 170 attendees from various congregations throughout Fairfield County and beyond. The venue was the beautiful Bennett Hall on the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Campus of the Jewish Home in Bridgeport CT.
The Cabaret was free to the community-at-large and included catered refreshments and drinks. By featuring the Cabaret on its Common Threads website, the Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County helped CHJ reach a large audience and introduced CHJ and Humanistic Judaism to the Jewish community. The evening concluded with a standing ovation for the performance.